I love my workshop! My Husband and Dad have built me a wonderful space in the back of the garage. Over time we have built up the suite of equipment and I find it is now very functional.
There are always a few things on my wishlist, but hey, show me a jeweller who thinks they have enough tools! The most recent purchase is my microtorch, I parted ways with quite a lot of cash that day, but I am so very happy to finally have it.
The little tv monitor is so that I can watch my son sleeping while I work, and of course know when he wakes up.
The joy of having my own space is that I can leave all my tools out, after spending 5 years carting everything in a tool box back and forth from home to school it is so nice to have everything out and ready for action!
The larger stuff is fighting for benchspace, my husband also uses the garage for wood working and various other projects so his tools are always encroaching on my space. This would be why the pickle has been shoved towards the bench drill which is currently on a very odd angle.
So there you have it. This is my workshop and I LOVE it!