And "Granny's little sister Aunty 'ron" (Veron) gave me a baking book that she had bought for herself, but thought might get a bit more use at my house. So today we made old fashioned gingerbread.
Mr 3 loved stirring and pouring and turning off my electric mixer. Turning it on however is a bit scarey ;)
He loved using his spoon and 'spatchla' to stir and scrape.
The recipe made quite a lot, in hindsight I should have halved it. As well as gingerbread men we made 12 gingerbread stars and a gingerbread bear.
I had to guess a bit with the timing as they were all different sizes, after 15 minutes instead of the documented 25 I thought everything looked about right.
Sadly the gingerbread bear fell apart when I was taking him out of his cake tin. So we ate him warm and he was delicious!
Yum! They all look delicious :)